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Topics, recently active firstCategoryUsersRepliesActivity
Sample idea
This is a sample idea. Click the idea icon to the left of the title (i.e. ) to change status from New Idea, to Planned, to Started, to Done. In the topic list, everyone sees the status of the idea at a glance — the status icon is shown to the left (e...
IdeasS52021-05-28 10:33:27.033Z
Sample discussion
This is an open ended discussion. Good comments rise to the top, and people can click Disagree to show that they disagree about something.
GeneralS32021-05-28 10:33:26.959Z
Welcome to this community
[ Edit this to clarify what this community is about. This first paragraph is shown to everyone, on the forum homepage. ]
GeneralS02021-05-28 10:33:26.914Z
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